Founder and Head Instructor
Ellie’s patient nature, combined with her enthusiastic teaching style helps to bring out success in each of her riders. Her work as a horseback riding instructor goes well beyond teaching the technical skills of horseback riding, and she aims to make a difference in the lives of all of her students.
Ellie was introduced to the Morgan horse at eleven years old. She began her horseback riding and showing career with noted equitation instructor, Susan Casper. After earning a Junior Exhibitor Hunter Pleasure World Champion title as a rider, Ellie’s continued work with Susan helped her to discover a passion for bringing children and horses together. She began training riders under Susan’s tutelage.
Ellie continued to gain experience as a riding instructor at Taylor River Farm before moving to West Virginia where she apprenticed under World Champion Saddlebred trainer, Smith Lilly. She gained expertise in training horses and learned how to develop a successful young show horse.
Ellie’s passion for working with children, and the Morgan breed led her to successive horseback riding instructor positions at Sebring Stables in Western Massachusetts and Lingering Hill Stable in Connecticut, where she had the opportunity to develop their lesson program, one of the fastest growing in New England. In March of 2020, COVID triggered Ellie to move back to her hometown in Portsmouth, NH. Ellie worked with Sarah Gove, Owner and Trainer at Taylor River Farm, to develop Great Island Riding Academy’s location at Taylor River Farm.